What Can We Include in a Celebrant Hindu Funeral?

by | May 29, 2022 | Celebrant, Funerals

It is important to not only find the right funeral director but also to find the right person to help you through the planning for the Hindu funeral through to the scattering of the ashes and the celebration of life.

When you lose a loved one at any age and in any circumstances, it is a very stressful and traumatic time. There are so many things to do and lots of opinions of what to do and how you should do it and how it is expected to happen. Sometimes the expectations of everyone else are not what is right for the deceased or their family.

A Hindu Funeral Celebrant

Working with an Independent Celebrant who has the knowledge of the Hindu Religion and Culture means that you can create a Hindu farewell ceremony that will respect the wishes of the deceased as well as respect the Hindu religion.

Hindu funeral

So what does that mean in practical terms?

What can be Included in the Hindu funeral?

  • We can include chosen prayers that the Celebrant or a member of the family can read out.
  • Together we will write the Eulogy that will tell the story of the deceased
  • We can include hymns that we can all sing together
  • You can have recorded music or musicians and singers
  • If you would like to light a candle in memory, you can
  • You can get everyone to lay a flower on the coffin
  • You can choose who will carry the coffin into the crematorium and have a Toastmaster lead the coffin into the crematorium
  • With a Hindu Celebrant there are more choices

Hindu funeral

What can be included in the scattering of ashes?

There are a number of ways that the ashes can be scattered. This can be in water, planting a tree, planting a flower, making a jewellery piece and more. This website can give you more details https://scattering-ashes.co.uk/

You can do this yourself or use the services of an Independent Celebrant to help you.


What if the deceased has left a wish plan for their funeral?

If there is a wish plan in place then your funeral Celebrant will follow the wishes as requested. They will work with the funeral director and any other chosen suppliers to ensure the wishes of the deceased are respected.

Where can I find out more about a Celebrant Hindu Funeral?

You can find out more at https://sonaldaveevents.com/funeral-memorial-ceremonies/

© Sonal Dave all rights reserved 2024. No reproduction of this content in part or in full is permitted without prior permission.

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Sonal Dave is a Ceremonies Celebrant, Lady Toastmaster and Professional Public Speaking Expert. Speaking English, Gujarati and basic Hindi, Sonal’s services include symbolic Asian rituals, the sand ceremony and many other symbolic Indian or Western elements.

documents shown on tablets

End-of-Life/Funeral Wish List & Ashes Puja Ceremony Guide

Download the PDFs to tell your loved ones your wishes or discover more about the scattering of ashes ceremonies. 

I hope these are useful guides