Freebies and Downloads

what is a toastmaster pdf shown on tablet

What is a Toastmaster?

…And why should I book one for my wedding or event? Download my free handy guide to understand how a professional toastmaster can make a difference at your event.

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What is a Celebrant Wedding Ceremony?

…And why would I want to have one? Get the guide to understand how a celebrant can make your wedding ceremony unique and memorable.

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End of Life/Funeral Wishlist

Download this guide to record your wishes for when you die.

Naming Ceremony memory box ideas

Naming ceremony memory box ideas

“Designing a Memory Box: Ideas and Inspirations” is more than just a download; it’s full of great ideas to help you to preserve the precious moments of your child’s life starting from their naming ceremony.

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All about destination weddings

Learn the steps to take to start your destination wedding planning. Get insights straight to your inbox!

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15 Great Vow Renewal Ideas

Rediscover the joy and depth of your commitment to each other with our exclusive guide, “Vow Renewal Ideas.” This download is your first step towards a memorable vow renewal ceremony that mirrors the unique journey of your love.

Hindu Ashes Water Ceremony PDF download shown on tablet<br />

Scattering of Ashes Ceremony Guide

Discover more about the scattering of ashes ceremonies and how a Celebrant can help you.

Create the ceremony or event that you’ve been dreaming of

If you are interested in booking me as your Celebrant or wish to enquire about any special requirements, contact me today.

What is a Toastmaster?

Why Should I Book One for my Wedding or Event?

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